Central Team
Our central team is imperative to the smooth running of the trust on a day to day basis. All of our experienced team members are committed to the growth and development of the trust.

Executive Assistant to the CEO
E: secretary@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Belinda joined Tove Learning Trust in March 2024 as Executive Assistant to the CEO. Prior to this Belinda, worked across a variety of sectors including the NHS, retailing and a private equity backed group of companies. Belinda brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role. She is responsible for ensuring that the secretariat function of the Trust is operating effectively and efficiently as well as supporting the central executive team on a day to day basis. In addition to this, she undertakes project work ranging from recruitment campaigns to legal due diligence and on-boarding for new schools looking to join the trust.
Estates & Assets Administrator
E: ccurran@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Rushden Academy - 01933 350391
Caitlin became the Estates & Assets Administrator for the Tove Learning Trust in July 2023, having previously worked in the Wellness sector performing administrative duties surrounding finance and client health and safety. She holds a First-Class Honors degree in Sociology, which includes experience in data analysis and research for both public and private sector organisations.
At Tove Learning Trust, Caitlin is responsible for supporting the management of Estates & Assets within the trust alongside the development of the school estates and operational management systems.
Governance Professional
E: cbeck@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Claire joined Tove Learning Trust in January 2020. She is an Accredited Clerk and has several years' experience working in governance in both secondary and primary school settings.
As Governance Professional, Claire helps coordinate all the associated governance compliance across the MAT schools.
HR Strategy Manager
E: csalter@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Grace Academy Coventry - 02476 589 000
Camillia has worked in the education sector for 23 years, having spent the last 9 years at a successful multi academy trust in the midlands where she was Head of HR. Prior to this she was in the private sector. Camillia also works as a HR consultant within the education sector.
She has extensive experience across all areas of HR at both a strategic and operational level.
As HR Strategy Manager Camillia's role is to create the people plan working across the organisation to support the trust in achieving its strategy through its people and to support the Executive Team and Board of Trustees as a single employer for a fast growing Multi Academy Trust.
School Improvement Director (SEND & Inclusion)
E: drobinson@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Stantonbury School - 01908 324400
David joined Tove Learning Trust in September 2022 as a School Improvement Director for SEND and Inclusion. David has worked with children with special educational needs and disabilities in education since leaving university and was the Head of Inclusion at a large secondary comprehensive school in Northamptonshire.
David is passionate about improving the quality of inclusive education and believes strongly in the importance of outstanding teaching in meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities. David works across all of the Trust schools, supporting SENCos and teachers to improve outcomes for children with SEND, he does this by providing advice and guidance, along with CPD and the sharing of best practice to enable everyone to take ownership of the SEND agenda.
IT and Communications Strategy Lead
E: dharrison@tovelearning.org.uk
Des joined Tove Learning Trust as IT and Communications Strategy Lead in September 2024. With over 25 years of experience in education IT, Des has held various roles, including technical, managerial, and sales positions, and has developed and implemented digital strategies for multiple academy trusts.
As IT and Communications Strategy Lead, Des is committed to aligning technology with educational needs across the Trust, driving efficiency, and enhancing the learning environment. He is focused on leveraging innovative technologies to improve outcomes for students and teachers, ensuring a robust and effective IT service that supports all schools within the Trust.
Apprenticeship Manager
E: donna.macmanus@ewsacademy.org.uk Tel: Elizabeth Woodville School (North) - 01604 862125
Donna joined Tove Learning Trust in February 2018 as the Apprenticeship Manager with 20 years experience of working in the Apprenticeship industry. This included working in National Training Providers and large global employers.
Donna manages the Apprenticeship Levy sourcing and supporting new and existing staff with their training. She liaises with school training leads and School Business Managers to support staff with CPD needs where an appropriate apprenticeship can fill the gaps. From Level 2 to L7 masters Degree. She procures the provider who offers a suitable delivery method for the apprentice and their role.
Donna brings a vast amount of knowledge of funding and eligibility for Apprenticeships ensuring the levy is utilised to its fullest potential.
Marketing Executive
E: edumont@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Elizabeth Woodville School (North) - 01604 862125
Eloise joined Tove Learning Trust as a Marketing Executive in April 2021. She has over 20 years industry experience in Marketing and Graphic Design working in agencies and in-house studios. Eloise has a wide range of experience working on projects from brand design through to marketing campaigns.
Eloise supports the TLT leadership team in developing and executing a marketing plan across the trust. She is responsible for improving the TLT brand and ensuring consistency of communication across trust schools. She works closely with headteachers and individual school leadership teams to understand the unique challenges and opportunities in each school and develop marketing strategies and activities to address these challenges.
Management Accountant
E: emcvey@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Huxlow Academy - 01933 650496
Emma joined Tove Learning Trust in January 2023 as the Management Accountant. Emma has over 14 years experience in finance within the education sector, as a Management Accountant for a large multi academy trust, a Finance Manager in a Secondary School and a Finance Administrator in an Infant School. Previous to this Emma worked in Finance in the Building & Engineering, and Milling Industries.
Emma is currently studying to become a full member of CIMA with only 1 exam left to pass.
Emma's role is to support the school finance teams with month end procedures and support the trust with consolidations and monthly reporting to trustees. Emma also supports the principal accountant with the year end audit preparation and annual statutory accounts.
Estates & Assets Manager
E: jgreen@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Rushden Academy - 01933 350391
Working in Estates and Facilities Management for over 15 years in the education and commercial sectors, James is from an Electrical background, but also a strong background in Health and Safety and Facilities Management. James previously worked for a Multi Aacademy Trust managing the estates and facilities from pre-school to sixth forms.
James has overseen many projects in his work, the biggest being a recent £8 million sixth form building. James is passionate about Sustainability, Asset Management, Health and Safety and CAFM systems, with the focus on delivering excellent service of Facilities Management within the education environment and professionalising the industry standard in the sector.
School Improvement Director (Humanities)
E: jrawbone@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
James joined the Tove Learning Trust in April 2023 as school improvement director for Humanities. James has built up experience and expertise through a range of roles within schools since qualifying as a History teacher over 20 years ago. After working as Head of Faculty and then over a decade in Senior Leadership, most recently James has been the CPD lead for a local Training School Alliance.
James has a wide understanding of the latest developments within education and experience of facilitating both the ECF and NPQ framework provide a good grounding in the most recent thinking with regards to teaching and leadership. Humanities is a diverse and exciting area of the school curriculum and James provides support and challenge for schools within the trust to ensure that a best practice approach is the aim for all. Working across the trust allows James to facilitate close collaboration between schools and through a range of approaches such as lesson observations and curriculum reviews, examples of success can be shared widely. James works closely with school leaders within the Humanities subjects to ensure that students across the trust are accessing the highest quality learning opportunities within this aspect of the curriculum.
Director of Education Primary (Northants)
E: jnairn@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: 07595 731 867
Jamie has been a primary teacher and leader since the mid 90's. He began teaching in a very large four form entry, inner city primary school in Hull, before moving to a small rural school with only 90 children split across three classes. He has held a number of different roles from Leading Literacy Teacher, SENCo etc before becoming a headteacher in 2007.During his time as a headteacher, he has led three schools very successfully, moving one out of Ofsted category of Special Measures in only 9 months, before it gained a ‘Good’ grading 18 months later. Jamie believes in distributed leadership and autonomy for staff to be the best they can be. He is committed to every child succeeding and ensures that all pupils (including disadvantaged and those with SEND) achieve the very best outcomes, as well as having a memorable primary education.
Director of Safeguarding
E: jburton@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Rushden Academy - 01933 350391
Jane has worked in secondary schools for over twenty years, leading successful science departments and heading up a large sixth form before moving into senior leadership roles, and ultimately taking on a headship. Jane’s academy joined Tove Learning Trust (TLT) in 2018 and with the support of TLT successfully improved a special measures school to gain good status in 2022.
During the 20 plus years Jane has challenged and supported a range of educational settings including primary schools, secondary schools and alternative provision whilst working as a school improvement advisor. Since 2011 Jane has participated in several inspections and continues to do so to maintain high standards and high expectations.
In September 2022, Jane embraced a new opportunity to lead on safeguarding across the trust and to use her school improvement knowledge and skills to ensure the best possible educational outcomes. As the Trust Director for Safeguarding, Jane plays a pivotal role in maintaining a culture of safeguarding that is exemplary, both within and across the trust. Jane ensures that all stakeholders understand their role in the delivery of high standards, have robust safeguarding systems and a strong ethos.
Deputy CEO
E: jparker@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Stantonbury School - 01908 324400
Jim has worked in education for over 30 years and has worked in a number of schools within Milton Keynes, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire. He has been a headteacher for 15 years and over the last three years has been Executive Principal of two large secondary schools in Milton Keynes that are part of the Tove Learning Trust.
With responsibility for Trust development in Milton Keynes, Jim's role is to support schools who may wish to work with Tove Learning Trust in the future and to grow effective networks that ensure our students are provided with inspiring educational experiences that lead to outstanding outcomes.
Data Strategy Manager
E: jhockton@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Jo became Data Strategy Manager for Tove Learning Trust in January 2019, having successfully managed data, exams and attendance for Sponne School for 9 nine years. She has worked within secondary education for 15 years, and has extensive experience in the use of data and systems to improve outcomes. Prior to this, Jo worked in purchasing and project management.
As the Data Strategy Manager, Jo drives improvement through systems and training, sharing good and best practice, securing accountability and embedding policy changes. She is passionate about improving outcomes for all students, using data and systems effectively and efficiently to achieve this.
Marketing Assistant
E: khughes@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Grace Academy Darlaston - 0121 568 3300
Kate joined Tove Learning Trust as a Marketing Assistant in April 2021. She holds a degree in Media and Communications, specialising in communication techniques and social media analysis. Kate's prior experience includes managing social media accounts within the private sector.
At Tove Learning Trust, Kate is responsible for crafting engaging social media content, scheduling posts, analysing engagement data and enhancing the overall social media presence of both the trust and its schools. She also collaborates on the marketing strategies and branding across the trust.
Principal Accountant
Email: loake@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Lindsay joined Tove Learning Trust in May 2017 as the principal accountant for the trust. Lindsay qualified as a certified accountant in 2003 and had previously worked in accountancy practice for over 20 years, specialising in audit and year end accounts for a wide range of companies.
Since joining Lindsay has seen the trust grow from just two secondary schools to where it is now. Lindsay’s role within the trust is to work with all the schools’ finance teams in getting technically accurate and meaningful finance information for the Trustees. Lindsay also leads on the year end audit preparation and has responsibility for statutory external financial reporting.
Business Support Manager
Email: lharris@tovelearning.org.uk
Lindsay joined TOVE Learning Trust as Business Support Manager in January 2024 to provide additional support in the Central Team. Lindsay’s role is to support new schools joining the Trust, support the implementation of new systems and further develop TOVE Trading Limited.
Lindsay’s career in education spans over 25 years, having started as an Administrator in a Secondary Special School, moving onto the Business Manager role of various educational settings from a large Junior school, large Primary School, Executive Business Manager of two small village Primaries and Head of Facilities for an 8 school Multi Academy Trust.
Lindsay has extensive experience of HR, Finance, Payroll, Facilities and school administration, both at Local Authority and Academy level, understands the pressures of the role of Business Manager and is keen to support the development of systems that will steam line the processes for all schools within the Trust.
School Improvement Director (Maths)
E: lrichards@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Louisa joined Tove Learning Trust in September 2019 as school improvement director for maths. Louisa trained as a Chemical Engineer and worked in the nuclear and pharmaceutical industries prior to becoming a maths teacher in 2005. Louisa has worked in a variety of schools within the local area, most recently as deputy head teacher with a focus on curriculum development and assessment.
As school improvement director for maths, Louisa works closely with department heads and teachers to raise attainment in maths across the trust. As an experienced examiner, Louisa delivers school specific CPD, supports teaching and learning through lesson observations and feedback and advises on curriculum design. Working across all the schools within the trust she ensures best practice is quickly shared across all the departments, and allows moderation of exam papers/assessments.
Head of IT
Matthew became Head of IT for Tove Learning Trust in September 2021, prior to this he was IT Services Manager at Rushden Academy. He has over 17 years’ experience managing and developing IT in education. Prior to this, Matthew worked in building control and automation developing systems for smart buildings.
As the Head of IT, Matthew works with the school IT teams, heads and school business managers to ensure best practice is shared across all sites. Matthew is driven by the desire to see schools build a safe and secure learning environment with a focus on enriching students’ lives through the use of technology.
Senior Payroll Officer
E: mpacker@tovelearning.org.uk
May has worked within HR and Payroll for the past 30 years, having spent the last 9 years within the regulated finance and motor industry. May has extensive experience of HR and Payroll gained at a range of companies such as Amazon, Santander, Grant Thornton. As such, May has extensive experience across all areas of HR and Payroll both operationally and strategically.
May is also a qualified Personal Trainer.
As Senior Payroll Specialist, May's role is to ensure accuracy and integrity for the Payroll by supporting staff on site. A key part of this is to develop processes and share knowledge and experience to develop confidence and broaden the skills within the individual schools.
School Improvement Lead
E: rcahill@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Grace Academy Coventry, Tel: 024 7658 9000 (Ext. 2456)
Richard joined Tove Learning Trust in September 2020 as school improvement lead. Richard has worked in secondary schools since 1994, leading teaching and learning in a senior position since 2001. Richard has supported many primary and secondary schools to develop their teaching and learning. He has worked across a variety of schools across the country and across the OFSTED range. Most recently, he undertook two headships of secondary schools in Leicestershire.
As School Improvement Lead, Richard is passionate about improving the practice of all teachers in the trust by creating connections within and across all schools. His firm belief is that by enabling teachers to engage in professional dialogues with each other, and by sharing evidence based, best and next practice all will achieve a consistently high standard within the classroom which in turn will lead to improved outcomes for all learners.
School Improvement Director - Teaching & Learning (West Mids)
E: sprice@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Grace Academy Coventry - 02476 589 000
Sam joined Tove Learning Trust in September 2022 as school improvement director for teaching and learning. Sam trained as an English teacher in 2013 working across a variety of schools in the West Midlands in a variety of roles, the most recent being a trust lead practitioner.
As school improvement director for teaching and learning, Sam works closely with the three Grace Academy schools focussing on each schools’ priorities and needs; this can include supporting trainees, early career teachers and heads of departments with all aspects of teaching and learning from curriculum development to behaviour management. Sam delivers CPD based on emerging priorities, lesson visits with detailed feedback as well as supporting quality assurance cycles and assessment. She strongly believes that all change should be rooted in evidence-based research and is committed to positively impacting the lives of our community of learners through the development and improvement of teaching and learning.
HR Administrator
E: scarter@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Grace Academy Coventry - 02476 589 000
Sarah became the HR Administrator for the Tove Learning Trust in April 2023 having previously worked for the trust since 2019 as a secondary school teacher and head of year. She has worked within the Education sector for 14 years across a variety of roles. Prior to this Sarah supported a number of private sector companies with their HR provision.
Working alongside the HR Strategy Manager, Sarah’s role is to support the central team to ensure a single point of contact for collaboration and support across all schools within the Trust.
School Improvment Director (Science)
E: sean.durran@ewsacademy.org.uk
Sean joined Tove Learning Trust in January 2024 as school improvement director for Science. He is also a specialist leader of education. Sean was previously a director of Science for a trust of schools in the East Midlands with responsibility for raising standards & improving outcomes. Sean works with a range of leaders across the trust to share evidence-based best practice, support effective implementation of the curriculum and empower people to lead effectively in their own departments.
Sean is passionate about improving the quality of Science education and believes strongly in creating opportunities for developing and sharing of best practice. Through achieving consistently high standards within the classroom, we create inspiring educational experiences that lead to the best possible outcomes for students.
Business Solutions Analyst
E: spinson@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Sharon joined Tove Learning Trust in June 2022 as Business Support Manager. Prior to that she worked for over 20 years as a School Business Manager in Northamptonshire schools, so brings a significant amount of experience to the role.
Sharon works closely with the business administration teams across the trust and is keen to support the development of collaborative working practices between the schools. Her role has a particular focus on procurement, contract management and systems implementation. She is keen to ensure that all schools within the trust, whether they have been on board from inception or have recently joined, benefit from an extensive support network.
School Improvment Director (English)
E: sophieking@graceacademy.org.uk
Sophie joined Tove Learning Trust in January 2024 as School Improvement Director for English. Previously, Sophie has worked in senior and middle leadership for over a decade in Northamptonshire and Coventry. With oversight for English and literacy, Sophie has depth of experience in raising standards and attainment in curriculum and reading outcomes.
Sophie is passionate about her subject, and employs an evidenced-based approach to curriculum design, text choice and improving standards in literacy. Sophie places high value in the explicit teaching of grammatical constructs, and looks to the powerful knowledge at KS2 (and KS1) to underpin teaching and learning at KS3 and beyond. She believes there is no one-size fits all approach to teaching and learning best practice, and looks to the nuances of each school and cohort when implementing change and raising standards. Sophie wants our students to become word-rich, enthusiastic and purposeful English experts, to enhance their futures as articulate, confident and successful adults.
Chief Finance Officer
E: cfo@tovelearning.org.uk Tel: Sponne School - 01327 350284
Sue has been a school business management professional for over 30 years, starting her career at Roade School in 1993. For over 20 years Sue has been School Business Manager (SBM) and support staff governor at Sponne School. Sue became CFO for Tove Learning Trust at its inception in November 2016 and was instrumental in the set up and development of the trust. She has extensive experience in financial management, human resources and estates management and regularly joins trust and sector wide business and CFO networks.
As CFO, Sue provides guidance on financial strategy and risk management to the Board of Trustees and schools across the MAT, and leads on the due diligence process when on boarding new schools into the trust. Sue is committed to supporting schools joining the trust to retain a high degree of autonomy but ensuring this is supported by the right balance of accountability, internal scrutiny and assurance required by Trustees, the ESFA and DfE.